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Our home. The Faber-Castell forest.

I am a Tukan and living in the forest of Faber-Castell in Brazil. 
I would like to show you around my forest - do you want to join me? 

Do you know where Brazil is? It is a huge country in South America! 
Faber-Castell has its own forest there with the size of 11,000 football fields, with 4.5 million trees, a quarter of which is all for the animals.

All my friends live there in a so called ecosystem. It is like a big family of animals, plants and other living beings.


Some of them are on the red list of endangered species - that means that they are close to becoming extinct, like the Dinosaurs!

I am Emma a Giant Anteater

I am one of the animals on the red list of endangered species.

We are living in Savannah, wetlands and gallery forests. I am 100 to 120 cm long and my tong is about 45 cm. Can you imagine having a tong halve the size of your body? Ok you are not eating any ants from their nests, right? That´s why I need a tong that long. As yourself I am active during the day and sleep at night - I am not sleeping in a bed but in bushes or hollow three trunks.

I am Molly a Tucan and your private guide

64 k/h that is fast but to be honest I am not flying that fast normally. Because of the jungle, I prefer to hop from branch to branch. I can get quite old for a bird, up to 20 years, and I am diurnal, that means I am active during daylight. That’s why I won’t see some of my friends like the maned wolf very often.

I am Ginny a maned wolf

I am the largest wild dog in South America and only distantly related to the original wolf. As Molly mentioned I am active during twilight and night. During the day I sleep by forests and swampy riverbanks. 

Here you find many colouring templates with my friends - have fun!